FAQs about Discovery Retreat

There is no student fee for attending DR.

  • Nominate - Teacher nominates the student.
  • Select – Students are selected by DR staff and the nominating teacher is informed.
  • Notify - Nominating teacher notifies the student and parent.
  • Register - Student's parents fill out the online registration form.
Transportation varies depending on each student’s distance from the retreat site. Some parents drive their students to the site; some fly to Austin to join the Texas School for the Deaf vehicle to travel to the site. More travel information is on the Registration Form.

Professionals who have experience working with deaf teens will supervise students. Staff includes retreat supervisors, activity leaders, high school teachers, college students who serve as group leaders and staff certified in First Aid and Medical Administration. All staff undergo thorough background checks.

Unfortunately, there are not enough beds to allow for parents or teachers to stay overnight.

A Packing List will be shared with you after students are registered.
Students sleep in bunk beds in cabins at the retreat site. The girls in one cabin; boys in

another. Each cabin will have one Residential Educator (of the same gender as students) throughout the night. Showers and toilets are in each cabin.

We have First Aid trained and certified staff on site at all times. If required, the staff will contact emergency personnel.
You should give all medications to our Medical Staff when your student is dropped off at the retreat site. The Medical Staff will keep all medications during the weekend and dispense them according to the schedule you give.
Students who are 18 and over can register and sign permission forms themselves. We highly recommend a parent review and sign the registration form.

Yes, we ask for medical insurance information on the Registration Form.

Students and staff use a variety of different communication modes, including ASL, English based signs, and voice. We will have sign language interpreters and captioning available. Students can bring their hearing aid, CI, and/or FM that they normally use.