Welcome to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Transition Resources Section!
A place where professionals, parents, students and the community can access transition information.
In the educational system, a transition occurs when students move from one educational program to another, such as from middle school to high school or high school to post-secondary education, an independent living program or to the workforce.
Transitions are critical periods in a student’s journey. Students need the right tools and skills to successfully move from one educational program to another. When students are equipped, they are prepared to complete their education, career, or life goals as independently as possible.
“A truly successful transition process is the result of comprehensive team planning that is driven by the dreams, desires, and abilities of youth. A transition plan provides the basic structure for preparing an individual to live, work and play in the community, as fully and independently as possible.”
Transition Planning
A successful transition requires planning to identify the right services and resources. Planning for transition can begin when the child is 14 years old. Through transition planning, students can make informed choices about their goals.
Transition planning may include:
- Assessments to identify strengths, abilities, and desires to develop goals or skill targets.
- A review of requirements for career pathways
- Transition considerations in a student’s IEP
- Skill assessment and development such as self-advocacy, disclosure, accessibility needs, or independent living.
- Graduation planning
- Dual credit courses
- Post-secondary (college) preparation
- Independent Living
- Career Preparation and Exploration Opportunities
- Employment experience or training
- Summer and year-round activities, such as camps, workshops, or seminars
- Vocational rehabilitation (VR) counseling
- Pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS)
Start transition planning by reviewing the Texas Transition and Employment guide, learning your rights, and contacting the school. We list some resources below!
Explore Transition Planning Resources for Students
Explore Transition Planning Resources for Educators